Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Ruminant Band- Fruit Bats

Appropiate title...

And some new (but feel like old) favorites...

and the ever uplifting-

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ambivalence Avenue- Bibio

Sonic reverberations play off structured, but winding melodies

Monday, August 10, 2009


So I've discovered this band through the solo work of their frontman, Pete Krebs (who I've wanted to make a post on for a while but I havnt been able to due to lack of actual music sample to post- check out "pacific standard time" if you can find it somehow, its on itunes). They run in the same veign as Heatmiser and circuited the same scene in Portland in the early 90's. Good stuff to zone out to.

Day-Glo is a video that embodies early 90's alternative- out of character band members(like a 12 year old drummer who sings as a tenor and actually sounds like he's 12 and a band "dancer" (Nastanovich of Pavement mastered this in terms of functionality and aesthetic ha) who looks like a homeless man), sunflowers,overalls, distraught yet contemplative characters, and an overall tone of introspection. Today is the first day I've been listening to it and I'm posting it, so i hope I'm not being too pre-emptive.


Haven't been turned on by the new album just yet, but it's growing on me. Till then I can settle for his synthed out tracks from Keeper's. Impatient stuttering hasn't sounded this cool since Mick Jagger.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Around the Well- Iron & Wine

Select tracks from the new album of B-sides, rarities, and previously discarded jingles.

Use of a lot more slide guitar...

Maybe my favorite track on the album- I think it'd be pointless to analyze what Sam is trying to say about this girl, because, well, the nature of the girl can't be dissected.

The least recognized cover on the album. To be honest, I don't think it adds much to the original, but it's great nonetheless.

Epitomizes what a good cover should be- it holds true to the message of the original yet adds its own je ne ses quois

Appropriately ends the album with a near 10 minute jam and a finale whispered of "na na naaaa"s and "ooh ooh ooooh"s