Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Think Ur A Contra- Vampire Weekend

After giving it some time to ruminate, I think it's my favorite track on the new album. Listening to the lyrics at face value, you'd think there was an anger and frustration on the part of the singer, but the music expresses the complete opposite. He's at peace with this girl; there's a new found and profound understanding being sung. It almost begins as an epiphany of sorts and blossoms into a true recognition that he's really over this girl and ready to move on. The girl on the album cover perhaps?... (not really, (Koenig found the pic) but I'd like to think so)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A jingly synth rises above layered guitar tones leave you starry eyed

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Million Young- Hammock

Plays like a late 90's coca-cola commercial, they rollerskate, at times hand-in-hand, between shadows and late-afternoon California sun. The sun blinds you, but it only adds to the bliss of the melody.