Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best Coast- Crazy for You

Capturing the obsessive quality of attachment in young romance, Cosentino strings together flawed rhyme schemes with blunt, and almost juvenile lyricism with sometimes equally childish sentiments (want to kill you/but then I'd miss you). Themes of longing and self doubt point to an unhealthy infatuation with a removed "more than friend" (There's nothing worse than sitting all alone at home/ and waiting waiting by the phone/ I hope that he's home/ waiting by his phone). Contrary to reason, whats left after this pity party is a profound sense of honesty. She's saying, pointedly and effectively, exactly what has been wracking her brain all along.

Two choice picks-

This song is comprised of not more than three lines of repeated verse, yet and innumerable quantity of feeling can be extracted...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Knocks

Hot off the press before summer fades to fall...